Wednesday, April 16, 2014

TA Ratings Compiler - Taylor Remington

Executive Summary
I decided to do a project that goes along with the work I was doing before entering the MBA program. I worked for the Mechanical Engineering department putting together training materials for the TAs that work there. As part of the TA improvement program I was implementing I decided to create Qualtrics surveys that would gather data from the students about how they rated their TAs. The surveys were created and the data was gathered but there was no way to get the data from Qualtrics except by downloading them one at a time. I was working on solving the problem but I ran out of time as the semester was starting for my first year in the MBA program.
I have now developed the final portion of the work I was doing before I came here. My code goes onto and opens every folder that has TA information on it for any chosen semester. I then take the data that the students have provided and come up with average grades for all the ratings that the students gave me. With the average grades I rank the TAs from best to worst color coding the TAs by how highly they were rated.
Project Write up:
Excel File with Code:
Final output:

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