Thursday, April 17, 2014


Business Description:

Amy Collier is a registered dietician who recently graduated from Brigham Young University. During her studies, she had access to expensive proprietary software that allowed her to create recipes, to plan meals, and to create automated grocery lists. Now that she has graduated, she does not currently have those resources when she consults with clients. Buying the software is not currently an option with her budget, so she needs a functioning substitute to be more effective at her job.
At home, she likes to pick and choose recipes from a large number of physical recipe books and online sources. Because of this, it is often difficult to find specific recipes and remember which recipe book or file folder included that particular recipe. Planning meals and creating grocery lists can also be a challenge. Amy suggested that I make one program that would meet all of these needs.


In order to address all of these needs, I created “RecipePro” in Excel VBA code.
Creating a recipe:
I created a simple and easy-to-use user interface that allows the user to enter in recipe information and pictures which are then transferred to a separate saved worksheet with a professional format.

Recipe Book Generator:
Once the user has created a few recipes and saved them, the recipe book generator allows the user to pick which saved recipes should be included in the new recipe book. The user can also choose to customize a simple cover for the recipe book. Once the user is finished, he or she can save the workbook for later use.

Meal Calendar:
The user has the option to create a calendar and assign specific recipes to different meals on a particular day. There is also the option to import and edit a previously created calendar.

Grocery List:
Once the meals are planned for the week, the user can print out a grocery list of the items needed to make the planned recipes.

Final Project Write-up

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