Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Monthly Report Preparation

     In my previous position before coming back to school I created 30+ monthly reports on mortgage backed securities. At the end of each month I would spend time “rolling” these files. This process simply entailed prepping the files for the beginning of the next month. This consisted of copying and pasting info into new cells, deleting information, changing colors of cells, changing dates, moving rows based on interior colors, etc.  Although this process took no more than 5 minutes for each file when you are doing over 30 it can take a whole morning to get through this mind numbing act. I decided that I could create a macro to take care of this process each month and take the time spent “rolling” files from around three hours to 15 minutes or so. When you consider that there were 20 other people doing this same thing every month this could free up a significant amount of time to work on other projects for the department.

     Because my previous employer considered these files to be highly confidential and they did not want others to view the information within them I had to make a replica version of the report with no real data inside. However, the code simply needs to be copied into the actual report files and will work with a small amount of tweaking. I gave my code to my previous manager and he is planning on implementing it into as many reports as possible. If only I could have figured out a way to extract some sort of fee from them for this.

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