Friday, April 18, 2014

Neal Armstrong- StylishShopper Dropbox Pictures

The Executive Summary
My Project was to create a database for a clothing distribution company called “StylishShopper”.  The company is a small five person company that contracts designers in multiple cities to create clothes, then the company sells them to high end retail chain across the world.  These are higher quality clothes so the owner wants a nice system that shows pictures of the clothes that both the designers and sales people can see them.  Sales are organized by the buyers.  The sales team has had a hard time working with photos in excel and google docs.  The photos are low quality and create an awkward page layout when just pasted in the excel document.  Also, filtered could not be used well because of the formatting.  The spreadsheet also contained lots of data and could not be emailed easily.
Stylish Shopper is looking for a program that can track orders and share photos taken by any person in the company.  I have created the “StyleShopperDB” which will allow the company to share its information quickly and easily. This spreadsheet is created with the mobile users in mind.  The form is stored in the Microsoft OneDrive and can be accessed from any mobile device.  This was an important requirement from the company. 
The Overview
StyleShopperDB is a data entry system connected to a cloud based file sharing folder (dropbox) created to enable the company to communicate effectively across all types of devices. 
Step 1. The designer creates a piece of clothing, takes a picture and uploads it to the dropbox file on either their smartphone, tablet, or computer.Step 2. The designer names the item by changing the name of the file to match the item number/name. Step 3. The sales person logs into dropbox and sees the new file and can show it to buyers. Step 4. They buyers place their orders and the sales person enters the order into the spreadsheet.Step 5. The seller and the operations/shipping team can see the order and see the piece of clothing sold and the quantity and destination.Step 6. Any employee can open the excel file and see upcoming orders and quantities.Step 7. Sales are made and the company grows and then hires Neal as the head of operations where he continues to build an extensive database with multiple pictures, email reminders, extensive grouping, forecasting models, sales data, and much much more.  

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