Executive Summary
Coming into the MBA program I know that VBA was definitely a
course I wanted to take. Before school I was doing operations at Lockheed
Martin and looked back, a lot of the work I was doing could’ve easily been
automated saving the company a lot of time and money. I know that the skills I
would get during the class would benefit me in my future jobs.
I am a process guy and when the process is either slow or
inefficient it irritates me. One such process that I’ve had is using Mint.com
to track my families transactions and budget them. My father in law has been
generous enough to help us out while we’re at business school, but he’ll only
reimburse us for specific items. So, what I have to do every month is comb
through all our spending to look for the specific transactions that will be
reimbursed by my father in law. I would download the transactions to excel,
filter by month, go through each line and figure out if we’d be reimbursed for
it, color code each category, and then sum each category by adding up the
corresponding color. Needless to say, it’s a long, arduous process that usually
ends up taking me over an hour each time. This is one of those processes I knew
could be automated, which would save myself time and a headache. My father in
law also wanted to see each category broken out so he could justify the
expenses. Through this assignment I’ve been able to automate everything and
also added a nice dynamic graph that is visually appealing. The completed
program accomplishes this task with the following steps:
- · First, the user logs on to the Mint.com website through a popup box.
- · Second, the downloaded transactions are imported to my budget worksheet and put into a pivot table, which has been modified to contain only the categories we get reimbursed for.
- · Third, the transactions tab is color coded so the user can easily see if each transaction was a reimbursed one.
- · Lastly, a graph is displayed which shows which categories need to be reimbursed and for how much.
This program reduces my routine task from over an hour to
about ten seconds.
- http://files.gove.net/shares/files/14w/stewarta/Final_Project_VBA_Andrew_Stewart.pdf
- http://files.gove.net/shares/files/14w/stewarta/VBA_Final_Mint_Andrew_Stewart.xlsm
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